By using, you agree to comply with our terms and policies. This includes respecting our privacy practices and guidelines for responsible platform use. Please review our detailed Terms and Privacy Policy for a comprehensive understanding of your rights and obligations when using our services.

User Conduct

At, we value a respectful and ethical online environment for all users. By using our platform, you agree to:

Respect Others: Treat fellow users with respect, courtesy, and professionalism. Avoid any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior.

Accurate Information: Provide accurate and truthful information when creating profiles, posting content, or communicating with others on the platform.

Lawful Activities: Engage in lawful activities only and refrain from using the platform for any illegal or harmful purposes.

Intellectual Property: Respect intellectual property rights. Do not post or share content that infringes on copyrights, trademarks, or other proprietary rights.

Privacy: Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information without consent or engage in unauthorized data collection.

Compliance: Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and our platform's terms and policies.

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of your account.

Intellectual Property Rights

Content shared on is protected by intellectual property laws. The following guidelines apply:

User Content: Users retain ownership of the content they create and share on the platform. However, by posting, you grant a non-exclusive, worldwide license to use, modify, and display that content.

Trademarks: Trademarks and logos used on are the property of their respective owners. You may not use these trademarks without permission.

Copyright: Respect copyrights. Do not post, share, or reproduce copyrighted material without proper authorization.

Report Violations: If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by another user, please report it to us for investigation.

Attribution: When sharing third-party content, provide proper attribution and comply with any licensing terms associated with that content.

Respecting intellectual property rights is essential to maintaining a fair and ethical online community.


While we strive to provide a valuable and reliable service at, please be aware of the following disclaimers:

Accuracy: Information on the platform, including job listings and user-generated content, is provided as-is. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of this information.

Third-Party Content: may contain links to third-party websites, job listings, or services. We do not endorse or control these external resources and are not responsible for their content or actions.

Service Availability: We aim to maintain the availability and functionality of our platform but cannot guarantee uninterrupted access. Temporary service interruptions may occur due to maintenance, technical issues, or other factors.

User Responsibility: Users are responsible for their interactions and transactions on the platform. We are not involved in the actual hiring process and do not endorse any specific employer or job seeker.

No Warranty: We provide no warranties, express or implied, regarding the platform's fitness for a particular purpose, security, or error-free operation.

Limitation of Liability: and its affiliates are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from the use of the platform.

Liability Limitations

At, we believe in transparency regarding our liability limitations:

Use at Your Own Risk: Use the platform at your own discretion and risk. We do not assume responsibility for any actions, content, or interactions among users.

Third-Party Content: We are not liable for the accuracy, legality, or quality of third-party content, including job listings and user-generated material.

Service Interruptions: While we strive to maintain continuous platform availability, we are not responsible for temporary interruptions, technical issues, or data loss.

No Guarantees: We do not guarantee job placement or success in hiring. Users' interactions and outcomes are the result of their own efforts and decisions.

Limitation of Liability: To the extent permitted by law, and its affiliates shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages, including financial losses, arising from platform use.

Privacy and Data Handling

At, we are committed to protecting your privacy and handling your data responsibly:

Data Collection: We collect and store personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. This includes details provided during registration, job applications, and platform usage.

Data Security: We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard your data. However, no online platform is entirely risk-free, so exercise caution with sensitive information.

Data Usage: We use your data to provide and improve our services, facilitate job searches, and connect employers with job seekers. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on data usage.

Third Parties: We do not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share certain data with trusted partners and service providers for essential platform functionality.

User Control: You have control over your data. You can update, correct, or delete your personal information through your account settings.

Privacy Policy: Our Privacy Policy provides comprehensive details about our data practices, including data retention, cookies, and user rights. Please review it for a complete understanding.

Termination of Accounts

At, we maintain the right to terminate user accounts under specific circumstances:

Policy Violations: Accounts may be terminated if users violate our Terms and Conditions, including unacceptable behavior, fraudulent activity, or failure to adhere to platform policies.

Inactivity: We reserve the right to deactivate or delete accounts that remain inactive for an extended period, typically as defined in our Terms and Conditions.

Legal Compliance: Accounts may be terminated in response to valid legal requests, court orders, or compliance with applicable laws.

User Request: Users can request the deletion of their accounts at any time through our platform's account settings.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of disputes related to, we encourage users to follow our structured dispute resolution process:

Communication: In most cases, we recommend that users attempt to resolve disputes by communicating directly with the involved parties.

Mediation: If direct communication does not lead to resolution, consider mediation services or third-party mediation platforms to facilitate discussions.

Arbitration: If disputes remain unresolved, both parties may agree to binding arbitration as a means of resolving the matter. Details of arbitration procedures can be outlined in our Terms and Conditions.

Legal Action: If necessary, users may pursue legal action according to the laws of the jurisdiction specified in our Terms and Conditions.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

At, we may periodically update our Terms and Conditions to reflect changes in our services and legal requirements:

Notification: We will notify users of any significant changes to our Terms and Conditions through prominent announcements on our platform or via email.

Review: It is essential for users to regularly review our updated Terms and Conditions. Continued use of our platform after changes are implemented constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

Opt-Out: Users who do not agree with the updated terms have the option to discontinue using our services and close their accounts.

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